PERMITS: North Dakota oversize permits are valid for three days. Must have permit prior to entering the state.
OPERATING TIME: Sunrise to sunset, including Saturday and Sunday except loads over 16 feet wide and 110 feet long cannot travel Saturday after noon or Sunday all day. Overweight only can have continuous travel.
RESTRICTED TRAVEL: Travel may be restricted on major holidays or holiday weekends depending on dimensions. (Double check with permit office for holiday restrictions).
Poles, pipes, beams, utility poles, etc. are not exempt from permits for length or rear overhang.
Width: 8’6″
Height: 14′
Weight: 80,000 Gross
Register tractor at the maximum of 105,500 pounds to be permitted for that much or more, or pay extra on the O/W permit.
Divisible Loads Exceeding 80,000: You can exceed 80,000 gross without a permit on state highways as long as you are legal on all axle/group weights and you are licensed for at least the amount of your gross weight. However, if you need any Interstate route, you will need to get an “Interstate Permit.”
Length: 120′
Width: 18′
Height: 18′
Note: ND does not like to issue overweight permits when axle group weights are not evened out as much as possible.
Loads exceeding these dimensions or over 150,000 pounds are considered superloads.
Length: Over 120′ – 1 escort
On 2-lane highways:
On 4-lane highways:
Height: Over 18′ – 1 escort and written clearances from utility companies.
SEASONAL LOAD (WEIGHT) RESTRICTIONS: Spring thaw load weight restrictions on non-Interstate highways go into effect some time in February and last into May and even much later on a few highways. Weight restrictions range from legal weight only to 8-tons, 7-tons and 6-tons per axle. Ton-mile exceptions are sometimes available, but they are very expensive.
SIGNS, FLAGS & LIGHTS: “Oversize Load” sign is required on rear of the vehicle when overall length exceeds 75′. All overdimensional loads must have flags on the traffic side of the load front and rear. Overwidth and overheight loads only require flags, not signs.