PERMITS: Washington oversize permits valid for three days. Must have permit prior to entering the state. Washington permits can no longer be purchased at POEs.
OPERATING TIME: One half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset, including Saturdays and Sundays. In addition, vehicle/loads not exceeding 12′ wide, 14’6″ high and 105′ long, including legal overhangs, may run at night with proper lighting defined by Federal Regulations 49 CFR 393.11.
RESTRICTED TRAVEL: Monday through Friday time/width curfew restrictions for the vicinities of Seattle-Everett, Tacoma, Olympia, Vancouver and Kelso are listed on the Commuter Curfew Hours sheet which accompanies permits. A validation number for permission to use city routes in Seattle and Tacoma.
Width: 8’6″
Height: 14′
Weight: 80,000 Gross or more, depending on number of axles and their spacings:
Divisible Loads Exceeding 80,000: You can exceed 80,000 gross without a permit on state highways and on Interstate highways as long as you are legal on all axle/group weights and you are licensed for at least the amount of your gross weight.
Length: 125′ trailer and load
Width: 16′ (14′ on 2-lane highways)
Height: 16′
Note: On height clearances: Washington state oversize permits do not guarantee height clearances on permitted routes.
Loads exceeding these dimensions or exceeding 200,000 pounds are considered as Super Loads.
On Multiple Lane Highways:
Length: Trailer length including load over 125′ – 1 escort
Overhang: Center last axle to end of load exceeds 1/3 of total trailer and load length – 1 escort
Height: Over 14’6″ – 1 escort
On 2-Lane Highways:
Length: Trailer length including load over 105′ – 1 escort.
Overhang: rear overhang exceeds 1/3 of total trailer and load length – 1 escort.
Height: Over 14’6″ – 1 escort.
MISCELLANEOUS: All lift axles must be on the ground if exceeding legal axle weights. Overweight single piece loads must be reduced when possible. Loads created by means of welding, bolting, or tying will be considered to be reducible.
SIGNS, FLAGS & LIGHTS: “Oversize Load” signs are required for all oversized loads at the front of the tractor at a height of 5′ from ground level (or as high as practicable on the vehicle or load if it cannot accommodate the 5′ height), and at the rear of the vehicle at a height of 5′ to 7′ from ground level (or as high as practicable on the vehicle or load if it cannot accommodate the 5′ to 7′ height). Signs are not needed for overweight only loads. Flags must be displayed on all four corners of all overwidth loads, and at the extreme ends of all protrusions, projections, or overhangs. When night movement is allowed, loads projecting beyond the sides of the vehicle must have amber lights visible from the front and side at the outermost extremities. Rearmost edge of the projecting load must be marked with a red lamp visible from the rear and side.