We are not a permit service. We do not arrange permits for carriers. The following is for informational purposes only. We also do not answer permit and escort requirements. Always read your permits and provisions sheets carefully. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.
PERMITS: Permits are valid for five days.
OPERATING TIME: Travel permitted sunrise to sunset including Saturday and Sunday.
RESTRICTED TRAVEL: No travel on New Years, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Movement is to stop 12:00 noon the day before a holiday and can begin after 9:00 noon the day after the holiday. Ask the Permit Office to verify, as these may change from year to year.
Length: Interstate and Designated Highways – 53′ semi-trailers. 70′ poles, steel, etc. including 5′ rear overhang are legal. Shall not extend more than 10′ beyond rear.
Width: 8′-6″ (8′ on non-designated)
Height: 13′ -6″ (13′ non-designated)
Weight: 80,000 Gross
Length: 120′
Width: 15′
Height: 15′
Loads exceeding these dimensions or weights have to be applied for as Super Load.
Overhang: Over 15′ – one escort unless permit specifies otherwise.
Weight: Over 120,000 pounds – two escorts & State Police & Bridge Survey
MISCELLANEOUS: All loads that are reducible must be reduced. No exceptions, this includes buckets,
counterweights, blades, etc.
SIGNS & FLAGS: Warning signs are required for all oversize movements. “Oversize Load” signs are to be displayed on all vehicles and loads exceeding legal width, length or rear overhang. Flags are required at the extremities on all over width loads. On loads with rear overhang in excess of 4′, one flag is required at the extreme rear of the load if it is 2′ wide or less at that point; 2 flags required if it is over 2′ wide.